You can find them here: Terms of Service (rules)
If you find someone breaking any rules report it here: Contact Pico Staff
Don't let anyone get away with bullying you or others! Make Pico a nice place for everyone by reporting rule breakers. Here is a small list of what's in the Pico Rules:
1)You must be 13 to play Pico!
2)You may not promote illegal content!
(that means talking about drugs, porn, or anything against American law and the laws of the PG 13 rating.)
3)You may not Harass, threaten, abuse, disparage, libel, slander, embarrass, or engage in any other disruptive behavior involving another member or Company or affiliate’s employee or agent.
4) Using cheat tools like atuo click or making your pico big, change gender, or anything that isn't in the game itself that you had to get a tool to use is against the rules and you will be banned for it.
5) Asking for someones password is against the rules. YOU WILL GET BANNED!! Report anyone asking for your password! Do not trust anyone!
These are only a small amount of rules in the pico T.O.S.(terms of service). I find most rule breakers in fashion shows and I do report anyone I notice breaking the rules! Thank you my Pico friends. I promise to post more fun stuff next ^__^